Listen to the Hungry Authors podcast

3. Writing When Life Sucks

As hungry authors, we show up to our writing through all seasons of life, both the good and the bad. Liz and Ariel are no exceptions. In June 2022, Liz’s younger brother Jack suddenly passed away, and Ariel has been dealing with the ups and downs of infertility for nearly five years. In this vulnerable episode, we talk about how “real life” and our “writing lives” are not separate; we are whole integrated people, and that means we write through grief and heartache along with joy. We don’t necessarily have answers; there are no easy tips we can give for writing when life sucks. But as writers, we have each other. We see you, we hear you, and we’re with you.

IG: @hungryauthors

Liz: @liz_morrow

Ariel: @arielkcurry